What We Do

LiftWerx specializes in wind turbine corrective repairs using crane-less solutions.

Wind Energy: Major Component Exchanges

LiftWerx is one of the world’s most specialized wind energy contractors. We use crane-less technology to perform the following types of large corrective repairs:

Main Bearing Exchanges

At LiftWerx, we utilize crane-less technology to lower the overall cost of large corrective repairs, by exchanging major components without the need for large traditional cranes.

Gearbox Exchanges

Our technology is safe, swift, efficient, and reliable.

Generator Exchanges

The use of crane-less technology lowers O&M costs, reduces ground preparation requirements, and increases the working window for these types of maintenance activities by allowing safe operation in wind speeds up to 18 meters per second.

Blade Exchanges

Pitch Bearing Exchanges

Yaw Drive Exchanges

Liftwerx is a member of the TowerBrook group of companies

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