Today marks the start of another IMS exchange project, this time in Oklahoma, using one of LiftWerx’s Heli-Hook™ cranes. This crane is small enough to be mobilized with a pickup truck; yet it does the same lifting work as a 300-ton crane.

LiftWerx is currently producing two more Heli-Hook™ cranes which will be launched late next month. Each crane has a capacity of 2.9 tonnes (6,400 lbs) at a height of 105 metres above the ground, which is plenty of lifting power for up-tower gearbox repairs. The device, which can work in gusts up to 18 m/s, is designed to lift items such as the nacelle roof, the upper gearbox housing, and the IMS pinion. The crane can be mounted in various common turbine platforms including Siemens 2.3MW, GE 1.5, and GE 1.X. Interfaces for many more turbines platforms, including Senvion, Vestas, and Gamesa, will be launched within the next six months.

Are you tired of waiting for road permits to mobilize a large crane? Are you weary of wind delays associated with large cranes? Do you exceed your crane budget during major corrective repairs? A more efficient lifting solution awaits you at [email protected]. Or better yet, please give us a call +1 (855) 936-6664.

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